
Hotel Info

We’ll be staying at The Arlo Williamsburg in Brooklyn, NY. We’ve got a special rate of $329 per night for all attendees. You can book your room using this link. The discounted rate is available until July 1, 2024, but rooms are limited, so book soon to ensure you get one!

Getting There

There’s no parking at the hotel, but you can find street parking nearby or use these garages:

  • Park Pro Systems - 56 North 9th Street, New York, NY 11249

  • I Park - 34 North 7th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11249

Public transportation is great in Brooklyn. The Arlo is a 6-minute walk from the Bedford Ave subway station, which connects to the L train for easy access to Manhattan.

If you’re flying in, we recommend La Guardia (LGA) or JFK airports. Both are about 30 minutes to 1 hour from The Arlo by taxi. If you’re traveling from DC or other cities along the northeastern seaboard, consider taking Amtrak to Moynihan Train Hall at Penn Station in Manhattan. It’s about 40 minutes by taxi or 30 minutes by subway to The Arlo.

Pre-Event Survey

To help us plan and make the most of our time together, please complete this brief survey by July 15, 2024. Your responses will guide our discussions and are completely confidential.

What to Wear

It's Brooklyn, so feel free to EXPRESS YOURSELF! While summer weather will be warm and balmy outside, the buildings will have strong AC inside. We recommend wearing layers to stay comfortable. Throughout the day, we'll be moving around in various chairs—mostly standard height, but speakers and presenters will be on higher chairs. Dress in a way that keeps you comfortable and ready for movement.

Ground Rules and Code of Conduct

As a REalinement attendee, you agree to a strict "off the record" policy. Conversations are confidential and not to be shared outside the Retreat. You can post personal photos and thoughts about the issues discussed, but avoid direct quotes or implying official support from the group. If unsure, please ask me. Please review our Code of Conduct and honor it throughout the event.


Resources on Supply & Affordability

Resources on Access & Equity

Resources on Access & Equity