Code of Conduct

This is intended to give everyone involved in the Real Estate Rebels community, events, and interactions a positive, professional, and inspiring experience. We believe that’s only possible when our people feel a shared understanding of what it means to participate. Active participation is intellectual and courteous. Our ideas are daring so it follows that we get passionate about what we do. These expectations and commitments serve as your entry into our community.


  1. Thoughtful, provocative, aware, and sensitive interactions.

  2. Presumption of good intent, if someone says something that sounds offensive give the benefit of the doubt to what they meant, consider it and then express yourself if it is not clear or there is still an issue.

  3. Listening is as important as speaking.

  4. Action is the desired outcome so any chatter must advance our collective goals.

  5. Do not be a bully or use words to provoke or hurt.

  6. We are not delicate, so be blunt, be clear, be passionate; but be about the substance, and respect the messenger.

  7. We value each other’s time and are determined to take action.

  8. Respect for each other brings out our best ideas.

Leadership Commitments

We want everyone to hear from diverse perspectives and life experiences.

We want to ensure all feel comfortable speaking and contributing.

We will remind you, in front of everyone, of the expectations and commitments.

We are open to criticism in service of each other and the people we hope to benefit.


This is not about you or us. This is about substantive, meaningful changes in housing that benefit individual people and families without introducing irrational or irresponsible systemic risk to the economy. We celebrate ideas and execution. Let’s do this!