
  • 4:00PM - 6:00PM

    Opening Reception - Sponsored by CoreLogic

    Location: The Watertower at the Arlo

    Appetizers & Drinks

  • 7:00AM - 7:45AM

    8:00AM - 9:00AM

    9:00AM - 9:30AM


    • Speaker: Chrissi Johnson, Alinement Initiative

    9:30AM - 10:30AM


    • Moderator: Kenon Chen, Clear Capital

    • Panelists: Christine Cai, Prosperity Now; Selma Hepp, CoreLogic; Skylar Olsen, Zillow; Chen Zhao, Redfin

      Back by popular demand is our economist panel featuring some of the leading and certainly most compelling economists in the industry. Last year’s discussion was interactive, insightful, and in true REalinement fashion, a bit rowdy. We will discover together how the prevailing rate environment is reshaping affordability dynamics and influencing consumer sentiment and behavior. We’ll gain valuable insights into the evolving landscape of housing supply, examining shifts and challenges that impact the market. We will explore emerging trends in home equity and its ramifications for homeownership sustainability and wealth accumulation.



    • Speakers: Jeremy Potter, Next Belt Solutions and Kara Ward, Falcon Advisors

    11:00AM - 12:30PM

    Note lunch is self-serve and will be available in the Mirror Bar Foyer at 12pm.

    • POLICY SALONS DAY 1:Reviving Innovation

      We leverage our individual experiences and shared Salon-work to develop creative solutions for the coming year. Through discussion and reflection, we uncover insights and challenge old beliefs to find the best path forward. We form strategic partnerships to advocate for positive changes in the housing market, driving progress and sustainable growth in homeownership.

      On Day 1, our goal is to identify one innovative solution for each policy pillar for the coming year, though groups may continue focusing on previous goals if they choose.

    • Salon on Housing Supply and Affordability
      Location: The Mirror Bar
      Salonnieres: Jon Lawless and Noerena Limon
      Definition: Accelerating the growth of available housing units to ease affordability challenges in the market.

    • Salon on Equitable Access to Housing Finance
      Location: TBD
      Salonnieres: Jeremy Potter and Kenon Chen
      Definition: Equitable access to homeownership for all Americans, and eliminating barriers to access to credit for historically underserved groups.

    • Salon on Sustainable Homeownership
      Location: TBD
      Salonnieres: Marisa Calderon and Jim Park
      Definition: Ensure all households can maintain the benefits of homeownership, and in doing so pass on the accumulated wealth to future generations.

    12:30PM - 1:00PM

      FHA Commissioner Julia Gordon

      We are honored to welcome Julia Gordon, Assistant Secretary for Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to deliver the keynote address at the REalinement Retreat.

      Throughout her career, Commissioner Gordon has been a steadfast advocate and hands-on practitioner, dedicated to achieving justice, fairness, and equity in housing, as well as ensuring consumer protections. REalinement looks forward to learning from Comissioner Gordon's outstanding leadership as we strive together to expand housing equity in the United States.

    1:00PM - 2:00PM


    • Moderator: Jeremy Potter, Next Belt Solutions

    • Panelists: Chris Abate, Redwood Trust; David Jette, Homium; Skye Laudri, Crib Equity; Dan Ticona, Freddie Mac

      The starter home no longer exists. Down payment remains a major obstacle to access for homeownership. Increasingly, consumers are turning to shared equity down payment partners to win a new home with lower cash outlay. We’ll explore the pros and cons of this new product with those at the cutting edge.

    2:00PM - 3:00PM


    • Moderator: Jonathan Lawless, Bilt Rewards

    • Panelists: Niles Lichtenstein, Nestment; Kara Murray, Terner Labs; Julie Raisch, NewRez; Terry Theologides, Fannie Mae

      Millions, if not billions, of invested dollars have been lost due to the misalignment between fast-moving startups, more measured industry and policy organizations, and venture funding expectations. However, each of these groups plays a crucial role in housing innovation. Our panel will explore how ambitious startups aiming to revolutionize the housing landscape can collaborate with industry and policy partners to create a more aligned pathway and realistic timeline for significant change in this large, yet slow-moving industry. We will also discuss how real estate and venture cycles can better align their expectations around funding, ensuring sustainable decisions that lead to significant impacts on achievable timelines. This unique panel will delve into the complexities of aligning government and startup efforts, the barriers to collaboration, and the impact of regulatory challenges. Join us as we envision a future where government and innovation effectively come together to address housing challenges, setting the stage for the next decade of transformation.

    3:00PM - 4:00PM

    • Personal REalinement: Take this time for yourself!

    4:00PM - 6:30PM

    • THE LineUP SHOWCASE & RECEPTION - Sponsored by Nestment

    • Location: Mirror Bar Foyer at The Arlo - 96 Wythe Ave

    • Hosts: Jim Park, The Mortgage Collaborative & Chrissi Johnson, Alinement Initiative

      "The LineUp" showcase is a highlight of REalinement, where groundbreaking startups showcase their innovative solutions to revolutionize the housing industry. Witness founders pitch their transformative ideas, all focused on driving real change with a lens on equity and inclusion. This event fosters collaboration and growth, providing a unique platform for startups to gain feedback, form strategic partnerships, and connect with mentors. Be part of this exciting movement to transform communities and reshape the future of homeownership in America.

    The LineUpdates | 4:00PM - 4:30PM

    The 2023 Cohort 1 participants will take the floor to share updates on their businesses and answer audience questions.

    Presenters: Brian Guadio, Module; Tamara Knox, Frolic; Niles Lichtenstein, Nestment; Daniel Smith, Keepingly; Jillian White, Appraisal Insights

    The LineUp Showcase | 4:30PM - 6:30PM

    Cohort 2 participants will take the floor to introduce their companies and solutions “shark tank” style and answer audience questions.

    Presenters: Daniel Hayes, Greenline; Skye Laudari, Crib Equity; Scott Levine, Tough Leaf; Landy Liu, Foyer; Tommy Mercein, Homium; Kristin Messerli, First Home IQ; Eli Pershing, Housing Connector; Christopher Rankin, Rent Butter

    6:30PM - 7:00PM

    TRAVEL TO DINNER: Distance: .6 miles, 14 minutes walking // .6 miles, 5 minutes driving

    Note if you would prefer not to walk we recommend coordinating on shared rides using Uber or Lyft.

    7:00PM - 10:00PM

    REalinement Dinner - Hosted by BILT Rewards

    Location: Sundays In Brooklyn - 348 Wythe Ave

  • 8:00AM - 9:00AM


    • Location: Mirror Bar at The Arlo

    9:00AM - 9:30AM


    • Speaker: Chrissi Johnson, Alinement Initiative

    9:30AM - 10:30AM


    • Moderator: Noreen Limon, Mariposa Strategies

    • Panelists: Jen Butler, Zillow; Laurie Goodman, Urban Institute; Dan Hardcastle, HUD; Mike Kingsella, Up For Growth; Rafael Perez, Casita Coalition

      Dive into the dynamic world of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and discover how they've sparked zoning reforms, especially in Western states, boosting housing availability. Join our expert panelists as they share thrilling success stories and game-changing strategies for passing impactful zoning reforms and fast-tracking the growth of housing units. Get inspired by innovative solutions to affordability challenges and learn how to drive sustainable growth in the middle housing market. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and be part of the housing revolution!

    10:30AM - 11:30AM


    • Moderator: Marisa Calderon, Prosperity Now

    • Panelists: Mike Calhoun, Center for Responsible Lending; Stuart Yasgur, Economic Architecture

      When cash gets tight, homeowners should have ways to dodge the fees, stress, and credit hits that come with missing mortgage payments. By offering options like liquidity insurance or mortgage reserves, we can cut down on delinquencies, defaults, and foreclosures, making homeownership more stable and keeping the market steady. Join us to chat about fresh solutions that help homeowners stay on track with their mortgages during tough times. Find out how every household can thrive and build wealth for the future. Don't miss this epic journey to financial empowerment.

    11:30AM - 1:00PM

    Note working lunch will be self serve and available in the Mirror Bar foyer at Noon.


      We aim to advance housing for underserved populations through knowledge, equity, and innovation. By promoting just policies and open dialogue, we challenge norms and drive progress. Embracing ethical standards and new technologies, we improve housing stability and quality of life for all.

      On Day 2, our goal is to outline the path to make our agreed-upon solution a reality in the coming year.

      Salon on Housing Supply and Affordability
      Location: The Mirror Bar
      Salonnieres: Jon Lawless and Noerena Limon
      Definition: Accelerating the growth of available housing units to ease affordability challenges in the market.

      Salon on Equitable Access to Housing Finance
      Location: TBD
      Salonnieres: Jeremy Potter and Kenon Chen
      Definition: Equitable access to homeownership for all Americans, and eliminating barriers to access to credit for historically underserved groups.

      Salon on Sustainable Homeownership
      Location: TBD
      Salonnieres: Marisa Calderon and Jim Park
      Definition: Ensure all households can maintain the benefits of homeownership, and in doing so pass on the accumulated wealth to future generations.

    1:00PM - 1:30PM

    • SHARING OF SOLUTIONS: Each Salon will have a total of 10 minutes to present its solutions and gather feedback from the group.

    1:30PM - 2:00PM


    • Speaker: Chrissi Johnson; Alinement Initiative

    2:00PM - 3:00PM

    • PERSONAL REALINEMENT: Take this time for yourself!

    3:00PM - 5:00PM

    5:00PM - 7:00PM


    • Location: TALEA Taproom 87 Richardson Street, Brooklyn, NY

If you have any questions, please email us at

Thank you!

Panel Descriptions

It’s the economy, bruh.

Back by popular demand is our economist panel featuring some of the leading and certainly most compelling economists in the industry. Last year’s discussion was interactive, insightful, and in true REalinement fashion, a bit rowdy. We will discover together how the prevailing rate environment is reshaping affordability dynamics and influencing consumer sentiment and behavior. We’ll gain valuable insights into the evolving landscape of housing supply, examining shifts and challenges that impact the market. We will explore emerging trends in home equity and its ramifications for homeownership sustainability and wealth accumulation.

New home, who dis?

The starter home no longer exists. Down payment remains a major obstacle to access for homeownership. Increasingly, consumers are turning to shared equity down payment partners to win a new home with lower cash outlay. We’ll explore the pros and cons of this new product with those at the cutting edge.

Alining Innovation

Millions, if not billions, of invested dollars have been lost due to the misalignment between fast-moving startups, more measured industry and policy organizations, and venture funding expectations. However, each of these groups plays a crucial role in housing innovation. Our panel will explore how ambitious startups aiming to revolutionize the housing landscape can collaborate with industry and policy partners to create a more aligned pathway and realistic timeline for significant change in this large, yet slow-moving industry. We will also discuss how real estate and venture cycles can better align their expectations around funding, ensuring sustainable decisions that lead to significant impacts on achievable timelines. This unique panel will delve into the complexities of aligning government and startup efforts, the barriers to collaboration, and the impact of regulatory challenges. Join us as we envision a future where government and innovation effectively come together to address housing challenges, setting the stage for the next decade of transformation.

Middle Housing Glow Up

Dive into the dynamic world of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and discover how they've sparked zoning reforms, especially in Western states, boosting housing availability. Join our expert panelists as they share thrilling success stories and game-changing strategies for passing impactful zoning reforms and fast-tracking the growth of housing units. Get inspired by innovative solutions to affordability challenges and learn how to drive sustainable growth in the middle housing market. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and be part of the housing revolution!

Liquidity Lifesavers

When cash gets tight, homeowners should have ways to dodge the fees, stress, and credit hits that come with missing mortgage payments. By offering options like liquidity insurance or mortgage reserves, we can cut down on delinquencies, defaults, and foreclosures, making homeownership more stable and keeping the market steady. Join us to chat about fresh solutions that help homeowners stay on track with their mortgages during tough times. Find out how every household can thrive and build wealth for the future. Don't miss this epic journey to financial empowerment.